Saturday, January 23, 2010


A friend borrowed two dozen general-purpose folding chairs from the closest RC church to be used for a roof-top remembrance service for discarded christmas trees. The service was held a few days after the last day for curbing trees to be composted. Several days later, the chairs remained on the roof, idling shuffling their feet on the outdoor floor. In remembrance of the gathering of remembrance (act of disobedience) I stacked three-quarters of the chairs in the "opened" seating position upon themselves.

The chairs are free standing, as in, they have no support but their own weight and balance. The chairs have been positioned to allow each to open fully. The negative spaces of each chair allow for points of connection between the chairs. The connections made within the negative space, in addition to the increasing weight gained from successive layers create substantial structural support---a civil nudge and slight shake will affirm this.

Set against a city-wide, year-end hangover, the stack of borrowed-from-a-roman-catholic-church chairs hopes to serve as normal societal protest and as a reminder of the possibly infinite exchange of ideas grown out of open gathering.

photo: Tom Curcuruto